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- Advice by Pastor Andy Fernandez
The role of a "Priest" is to minister to God in behalf of God's people, himself, and his family. The role of a "King" is to administer the Kingdom of God on behalf of God's people, himself, and his family. Jesus is King and Priest, and he lives in you. #andyfernandez #iamministries #pastoraladvice
- Advice by Pastor Andy Fernandez
Please recall that Christ saved you from sin, and has blessed you abundantly through his grace. For he is the head of the Church, and he is dressed in Glory. For what name has been given under heaven and earth that is greater than Jesus Christ the Lord and King of all! #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Sounds of My Writings: Do Not Forget any of His Benefits
While you are awaiting your unanswered prayer, do not forget any of his benefits. While your children are serving or not serving the Lord, do not forget any of his benefits. While you are pressured or concerned about today, do not forget any of his benefits. While you are building a ministry or assisting one, do not forget any of his benefits. While you are growing rich or living by means, do not forget any of his benefits. While people come in and out of your life, do not forget any of his benefits. In all that you do, think, and feel never forget any of his benefits. In a time when doing what is right, and serving the Lord has become scarcely difficult to many. We must always remember to prioritize our lives and mind according to scriptural truth. King David reminded himself that there is eternal profit, divine benefits in praising, and serving the Lord God. Perhaps you don't have the latest car or the million-dollar house, perhaps your dreams seem almost impossible to accomplish, perhaps you are just waiting for some supernatural event to intervene in your life and rescue you from your turmoil. But, let me remind you according to God's truth that there is more to life than just material prosperity. There is a never-ending truth that God will redeem you and crown you with love and compassion. You will rise again and your sins will be forgiven forever. Live in this truth when your soul is bankrupted, and you shall see that you are richer than you think! Psalms 103:1-7 1 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. 6 The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. 7 He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel. #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez
You will not know where you are going until you know who you are in Christ. #andyfernandez #iamministires #quotes
- Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez
Pace yourself, this is NOT a sprint it is a marathon. #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes
- Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez
Before you become King David, you must conquer King Saul within you. #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes
- Sounds of My Writings: Ad Hominem
Ad hominem: an argument that attacks the person who holds a view or advances an argument, rather than commenting on the view or responding to the argument. One of the most controversial topics of the Church or Kingdom today is whether homosexuals or individuals who are attracted to the same sex should be welcomed or outcasted by the Church. For many years, I have seen denominations, brothers in Christ, and even Clergymen argue their viewpoints on this issue. Some take an aggressive stand against allowing homosexuals to even enter the Church premises yet others are inspired to consider "What would Jesus do" or rather "What did Jesus do". I am sure I can list hundreds of verses that defend both reasoning and arguments yet I have learned that the Word of God is both gracious and lawful, it is perfect and infallible, the Word of God is used for correction as well as edification. Submitting personal opinions to a matter, and exalting the Wisdom and life of the Word of God above all reproach is a clear mandate in the Fear of God (Wisdom). We can sit for thousands of years and argue back and forth about this matter, but I have witnessed with my own eyes the Power of God transform the most wretched of sinners into a Saint of God. Reverencing God's sovereignty, mercy, and love and leaving room for the Holy Spirit to convict, to work, and to sanctify are critical in the process of Salvation and Sanctification. Let's all be responsible for our walk, for our purpose, and for our own Salvation and in the midst help others in the process. Oops did I just commit "Ad hominem". :) #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: His Voice
When was the last time you heard the voice of God not in a sermon, but rather in prayer? #andyfernandez iamministries #reflections
- Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez
Your measure of faith will always be equivalent to the measure of love in your hearts. Remember, God is love! #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes
- Advice by Pastor Andy Fernandez
If you want God to meet your needs, it will require that YOU meet the needs of others. You will reap what you sow! #andyfernandez #iamministries #pastoraladvice
- Sounds of My Writings: Angel of Light
It is important to consider that "angel" means messenger - before attempting to depict the totality of Satan's deception on many. Satan is considered a "messenger" of light. Messengers always have a message, and engraved within the message of "light" is the edification of self, self freedoms, self-indulgences, self-power, self-centeredness, self-sufficiency, self-government, self-purpose, self-forgiveness, even to the point where you empower yourself to even forgive "God" - etc. Self-pride is rooted in the very center of this doctrine, and you could see it clearly in society, in cultures, in businesses, and even if looked closely, within "oneself". This message of "light" encourages your deepest emotions, "if you feel good" it must be right. It is a very subtle doctrine which sometimes wakes us up in the early hours of the day, and asks "so what can I do, to make myself feel good today" rather than "what can I do to obey God today". It becomes a doctrine of "me" rather than of Jesus Christ and dying to self. The message of Satan never directs you to "the light of the World" (Jesus Christ) but emphasizes greatly the empowerment of self, and its freedoms and government. John said it clearly, "He (Christ) must increase, and "I MUST" decrease. This is the truth! #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Sounds of My Writings: Lordship
It is very clear, that in scripture there was a messenger by the name of John (which in Hebrew means grace), it was prophesied about John, that he would be a forerunner of the anointed one (Messiah). His purpose as stated in scripture is to make straight the path, for the coming of our Savior. His message is clear "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". In order for individuals to recognize, and see the Kingdom at work through Christ, they must be spiritually circumcised. There must be an acknowledgment of sin, in order to be saved from sin. If sin (separation from God) is not recognized, then we fool ourselves to believe that we are closer to God than we really are. The "Lordship Salvation" anomaly is a great title for something which is fundamentally clear in scripture, we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord (governor, ruler, king) so that we may be saved from the ruling power of sin. Repentance is a fundamental element in receiving salvation, and can not be substituted for reasoning, or dictation. For in everything that is alive - bears fruit, is animated, and is in motion. To say that faith without fruits is acceptable is like saying let's plant a tree but hope that nothing grows!!! There is life in everything God births, so if you claim to have faith, then the fruits of God's work is revealed. James said it best "tell me about your faith, and I will show you my work, for faith without work is dead". For faith, is hope in action! #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries