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  • Compatibility Survey | Florida Premarital Course $19.99 | I AM Ministries

    Compatibility Survey Compatibility Survey Since it is important for us to gather as much information to help prepare our counselors to guide couples into a healthy relationship, you will be required to complete one of our "Compatibility Survey's " online. Your information will only be used if you seek the assistance of counseling in the future. ​ After you fill out our compatibility survey, we will contact you via email or by phone to go over details of any potential risks you may face in regard to your partner. This information is strictly confidential and is for your information only. If you would like to request a brief counseling session with one of our ministry experts feel free to contact us at and set up an appointment. Survey Time Frame This survey will require a minimum of 30 minutes to complete, this may vary according to a student's ability to answer the questions OR each individual's learning curve. Free Premarital Counseling We are glad to inform you that all of our couples who enroll in any of our Premarital Course Education platforms are generously provided one free hour of premarital counseling. All that is required is that you complete any of our benchmark curriculums offered by our certified professionals, and submit a compatibility survey which we will provide. If you have not filled a compatibility survey feel free to contact one of our representatives and request your survey today! ​ Compatibility Survey English Encuesta de Compatibilidad

  • Curso Prematrimonial en Línea $19.99 | I AM Ministries | Aprobado Estatal

    Curso Prematrimonial Curso Prematrimonial en L ínea - Para Parejas Por solo $19.99 por usuario , encontrará toda la información y los materiales del Curso Prematrimonial que necesita para obtener su certificación y licencia de matrimonio . Si te gusta leer y aprender a tu propio ritmo, te invitamos a disfrutar de este rico curso. Tendrá acceso a toda la información durante un total de 30 días desde el momento en que se registre. También puede descargar y imprimir su certificado para uso legal al finalizar su curso. ¡Así que tómate tu tiempo y regístrese hoy! ​ ¿Nuestro Curso está 100 % Aprobado en todo el Estado? ​ Si, en tomar nuestro curso prematrimonial en línea, ahorrará entre un 30 y un 60% en el costo de su licencia de matrimonio, y las parejas evitarán el requisito de espera estatal de tres días , lo que acelerará sus planes de boda. Todos nuestros cursos están disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para todos nuestros estudiantes, parejas y familias. ¿Quién es elegible para tomar este curso? Todas las personas mayores de 18 años son elegibles para tomar este curso. Si está tomando este curso con el fin de obtener su Licencia de matrimonio, se espera que cumpla con todos los requisitos de referencia de nuestro Estado para que el tribunal del condado valore su certificación. Haga Clic Para Registrarse Licencia Matrimonio Requisitos ¿Cuánto tiempo tengo acceso al Curso? Todos nuestros cursos comienzan en el momento en que se registra y paga las clases. Tanto usted como su futuro cónyuge tendrán acceso completo después de que se registren y paguen el curso para realizar un seguimiento de su progreso durante un período de 30 días o hasta la finalización del curso . Para nuestros estudiantes de Curso Virtual, es importante programar su cita con su Instructor Virtual lo antes posible. Los cursos de instructor virtual se ofrecen por orden de llegada. ¿Tengo que tomar este Curso Prematrimonial con mi Futuro Cónyuge? ​ Residentes: deben tomar y completar este Curso de preparación prematrimonial antes de obtener su licencia de matrimonio si están buscando los beneficios del curso. Se proporcionará información de inicio de sesión separada a cada parte una vez que se complete la solicitud. No residentes: deben tomar y completar este curso de preparación prematrimonial antes de obtener su licencia de matrimonio si están buscando los beneficios del curso. Se proporcionará información de inicio de sesión separada a cada parte una vez que se complete el registro. No residentes de los Estados Unidos: Si, deben tomar y completar este curso de preparación prematrimonial antes de obtener su licencia de matrimonio si están buscando los beneficios del curso. Se proporcionará información de inicio de sesión separada a cada parte una vez que se complete el registro. ​ ¿Cuánto dura este C urso Prematrimonial? Por ley, se requiere que todos los proveedores de cursos con licencia ofrezcan un curso de 4-12 horas que enriquecerá la vida de las parejas que buscan casarse en su Estado. ¿Hay una fecha de vencimiento en mi "Certific ado de Finalización"? Sí , su certificado es válido por un (1) año a partir del día de finalización . Es importante que descargue su certificado a su PC o dispositivo para su protección y uso personal. Si no obtiene su licencia de matrimonio antes de la fecha de vencimiento impresa en su certificado, es posible que el Secretario del Tribunal del Condado pueda negar o rechazar sus esfuerzos. ¿Se acepta este Curso en mi Condado? Sí, siempre que planee casarse en los estados de Florida , Texas, Georgia, Carolina del Sur, Maryland, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Illinois, Utah, Tennessee, Mississippi, Iowa, Dakota del Sur, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Arizona y Arkansas , nuestro curso esta aceptado en todos los condados . Somos el único proveedor de cursos prematrimoniales que ofrece este plan de estudios con base cristiana en inglés y en español. ¿Tengo que proporcion ar una Identificación para tomar este Curso? Sí, para emitir a las parejas un "certificado de finalización" original, deben poder proporcionarnos la identificación legal adecuada que se enviará al Secretario del Tribunal del Condado donde se procesará su licencia de matrimonio. Las siguientes son las formas legales de identificación : licencia de conducir estatal de EE. UU., Tarjeta de identificación proporcionada por el estado, pasaporte o tarjeta de residencia. ¿Cuándo y cómo obtengo mi Certificado? Al finalizar el curso, usted y su cónyuge podrán tener acceso para descargar e imprimir una copia certificada en PDF de su "certificado de finalización" para su uso personal únicamente . Es importante tener en cuenta que ciertos condados no aceptan copias impresas de su certificado. Por lo tanto, requerirá que le enviemos por correo su certificado original para presentarlo al Secretario de la Corte del Condado. Asegúrese de programar adecuadamente para este retraso. Nos llevará aproximadamente 2-3 días hábiles enviarle su certificado original a través de USPS. ​ ¿Cuántos días debo comenzar a trabajar para obtener mi Licencia De Matrimonio? Es nuestro consejo que comience su proceso lo antes posible . No espere hasta el último minuto para comenzar el proceso legal para obtener su licencia de matrimonio. Con demasiada frecuencia, hemos experimentado parejas que postergan el papeleo legal mientras se preparan para su boda. Recuerde, su matrimonio no es legal hasta que su oficiante de boda y los testigos firmen adecuadamente su licencia de matrimonio original. ¿Cómo Casarse en su Estado? Siempre que cumpla con los criterios del su estado, se le debe otorgar una licencia de matrimonio en el condado que solicita. No es necesario que viva en el condado para recibir una licencia de matrimonio allí. Recuerde que las licencias de matrimonio solo son válidas por 60 días . Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre cómo obtener su licencia de matrimonio . ​ ¿Cómo cambiar su nombre Legal? Los Estados Unidos permite a las personas cambiar sus nombres en el formulario de solicitud de licencia de matrimonio. Si bien los formularios difieren según la localidad, generalmente puede completar su nuevo nombre y enumerar su nombre anterior en el formulario. Un secretario del condado emitirá una licencia después de que se complete el proceso normal de licencia de matrimonio. También se requiere que haga los planes necesarios para visitar su Administración local del Seguro Social , el Banco , el DMV y otras agencias. Asegúrese de proporcionar estas formas legales de identificación a todas las agencias gubernamentales en las que planea cambiar su nombre legal: certificado de matrimonio, licencia de conducir, tarjeta de identificación de no conductor emitida por el estado o pasaporte estadounidense. También esté preparado para mostrar prueba de ciudadanía, como su certificado de nacimiento de EE. UU., Certificado de naturalización o Certificado de ciudadanía. Descargo De Responsabilidad ​​ Este curso de educación prematrimonial ha sido diseñado y creado por profesionales licenciados y ordenados para abordar las necesidades de las parejas heterosexuales . Si este recurso educativo no satisface sus necesidades prematrimoniales o maritales, aún puede acceder al material del curso y/o ser referido a un proveedor calificado que pueda ayudarlo mejor con sus necesidades. ​ ¿Es este Curso Reembolsable? Lo sentimos , pero en el Centro de cursos prematrimoniales ofrecemos a todas nuestras parejas la oportunidad de elegir un Proveedor de cursos prematrimoniales adecuado a las necesidades de cada pareja. Dado que nuestros cursos son propiedad intelectual y están cubiertos por nuestras Políticas de infracción de derechos de autor, No Emitimos Reembolsos . ¿Este curso está protegido por las leyes de derechos de autor? Sí , es ilegal realizar cualquier reproducción, copia, transmisión o distribución del material ofrecido a lo largo de este curso sin el consentimiento por escrito de nuestro profesional con licencia, proveedores y sus afiliados. Haga Clic Para Registrarse

  • Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | I AM Ministries | Approved Statewide

    Premarital Certification Course Online - For Couples For just $19.99 per user, you will find all the information and premarital course materials you need to attain your certification and marriage license . If you enjoy re ading and learning at your own pace we invite you to enjoy this rich course. You will have access to all the information for 30 days from the moment you register. You may also download and print your certificate for legal use at the conclusion of your course. So take your time and register today! ​ Is our course 100% Approved Statewide? Yes , by taking our Premarital Online Course you will save 30-60% on your marriage license cost, and couples will avoid the three-day state wait requirement which will accelerate your wedding plans. All of our courses are available 24 hours - 7 days a week for all of our students, couples, and families. Who is eligible to take this course? Everyone who is 18 years or older is eligible to take this course. If you are taking this course for the purpose of obtaining your Marriage License it is expected that you meet all of our State's benchmark requirements in order for the county court to value your certification. Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse Marriage License Eligibility How long do I have access to the course? All of our courses begin the moment you register and pay for the classes. You and your future spouse will each have full access after you register and pay for the course in order to track your progress for a period of 30 days or until the completion of the course . For our Virtual Course students, it is important to schedule your appointment with your Virtual Instructor as soon as possible. Virtual Instructor Courses are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Do I have to take this Premarital Course with my future spouse? ​​ Residents: are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Residents: are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Residents of the United States: Yes , non-residents of the United States are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Valid & Invalid Payment Options? ​ ​​ We currently offer all students , couples , and families the opportunity to pay through Paypal , Credit , or Debit Card . Be sure to view these options on our checkout page if enrolling in one of our courses. In order to receive our products and/or services, you must be sure to use a valid payment method (credit/debit card) owned or corresponding to one of the enrolling parties. If you are accessing our educational platform using a " third parties " payment method (credit/debit card) and you can not validate that it is your payment account - your account will be immediately deactivated until you can provide le gal ownership of the card. So, please be sure to have a legal and valid payment method available to enroll in one of our courses. ​ How long is this Premarital course? By law, it is required that all licensed course providers offer a minimum of a 4-12 hour course that will enrich the lives of couples seeking to marry within their State. Is there an expiration date on my "certificate of completi on"? Yes, your certificate is valid for one (1) year from the day of completion . It is important that you download your certificate to your PC or device for safeguarding and personal use. If you do not attain your marriage license prior to the expiration date printed on your certificate it is possible that the County Clerk of Courts may deny or reject your efforts. Is this course accepted in My County? Yes, as long as you plan to marry in your State our course is accepted in all counties in the United States . We are the only premarital course provider that offers this Christian-based curriculum in English and in Spanish. Do I have to provide Identification to take this course? Yes, In order to issue couples an original "certificate of completion" each couple must be able to provide us with the proper legal identification which will be forwarded to the County Clerk of Courts where their marriage license will be processed. The following are the legal forms of identification : U.S.A. State Drivers License, State Provided Identification Card, Passport, or Residence Card. When and how do I attain my certificate? At the completion of the course, you and your spouse will be able to have access to download and print a PDF copy of your "certificate of completion" for your personal use only . A Certified Copy will then be emailed to you within 24 hours of your completion date for immediate use. It is important to note, certain counties do not accept printed copies of your certificate . Therefore, it will require that we mail you your original certificate to present to your County Clerk of Courts. Make sure that you schedule yourselves appropriately for this delay. It will take us approximately 2-3 business days to forward you your original certificate via USPS. How many days should I begin working on getting my marriage license? It is our advice that you begin your process as soon as possible . Do not wait until the last minute to begin the legal process of attaining your marriage license. All too often, we have experienced couples procrastinating on the legal paperwork while preparing for their wedding. Remember, your marriage is not legal until your wedding officiant and witnesses properly sign your original marriage license. ​ How to get Married in your State? As long as you meet your State criteria you should be granted a marriage license in the county that you apply for. You do not need to live in the county to receive a marriage license there. Remember that marriage licenses are only valid for 60 days . Click here to learn more about attaining your Marriage License . How to change your Legal Name in your State ? Your State allows people to change their names on their marriage license application forms . While the forms differ by locality, you can generally just fill in your new name and list your former name on the form. A county clerk will issue a license after the normal marriage license process is completed. It is also required that you make the necessary plans to visit your local Social Security Administration , Bank , DMV , and other agencies. Be sure to provide these legal forms of identification to all governing agencies in which you plan on changing your legal name: Marriage certificate, driver's license, state-issued non-driver's ID card, or U.S. passport. Be also prepared to show proof of citizenship such as your U.S. birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship. ​ ​ ​ Course Disclaimer This premarital course education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples . If this educational resource does not meet your premarital or marital needs you are still welcome to access the course material and/or be referred to a qualified provider who could better assist your needs. ​ Is this Course Refundable? Sorry, but we at the Premarital Course Center, offer all of our couples an opportunity to choose a Premarital Course Provider suitable to each couple's needs. Since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies We Do Not issue refunds . Is this Course Protected by Copyright Laws? Yes , it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professionals, providers, and/or affiliates. Click to Register

  • Chaplain Services | I AM Ministries | Florida

    Chaplain & Clergy Services ​ Public Safety Chaplains are there to provide counseling, critical incident stress management, and one-on-one consulting to law enforcement, fire, and emergency personnel. Quietly, behind the scenes, the Chaplains work with police and fire departments when there has been an accident, a drowning, a death, a fire, or other traumatic events. Chaplains are also there for the day-to-day issues that arise for public safety personnel and their families – issues caused by the nature of the work they do. Chaplaincy Services offers the following services to client departments: Critical Incident Stress Management Death Notification Line of Duty / Other Death Services Family Support & Awareness Program Family Services Suicide Prevention Classes Confidential Counseling Special Events Blessings and Invocations Hospitalization & Visitations Funeral Services Social Impact and Community Initiatives ​ Certified by the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC) Certified and a proud member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains. ​ ​ ​

  • System Download | Florida Premarital Course $19.99 | I AM Ministries

    System Requirements Virtual System Requirements Download ​ We just want to take this time to share with you some important information that will help you navigate through our virtual church and our educational courses easily. It is important that you have the proper system requirements in order to view all the material. Please review, and make any necessary updates to your computer or laptop before you begin. Updated Operating System : Windows 7 or more, Mac Download the Free Zoom Application on your PC or Smartphone. Updated System: Webcams & Audio Speakers/Microphones Updated System Browser : Google Chrome, Firefox, Windows Explorer (has been giving users difficulties) Note: If using Windows Explorer make sure Windows Silverlight and Windows Edge have been updated. Zoom Meeting Application Zoom Video Communications, Inc. is an American communications technology company headquartered in San Jose, California. It provides videotelephony and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. Download Zoom Application Join A Zoom Meeting

  • Marriage Licenses | I AM Ministries | Florida Premarital Course $19.99

    How to Get Married in your State? In order to officially get married in your State, it is important that you fulfill all of the necessary requirements to attain your marriage license before your wedding day. As long as you meet the criteria below, you should be granted a marriage license in the county that you apply for. You do not n eed to live in the county to receive a marriage license there. Remember that marriage licenses are only valid for 60 days . ​ Couples are required to take a premarital course before applying for their marriage license. This will help the participating parties prepare for marriage, and help avoid the pitfalls of divorce. This course will give the couple a 30-60% discoun t on their marriage license and eliminate the customary 3-day waiting period . Press the following link to register for your Premarital Course for $19.99 per user . Once the participating parties are ready to apply for the marriage license, it is important that they make sure that they have proof of identity, age, and residency. Both individuals must be at least 18 years old and show some form of identification (state driver's license, state ID, or passport). You may also get a head start by filing for your marriage license application electronically on your county's Kiosk online. It is required tha t you register and obtain an appointment with your County Clerk of Court before arriving at the courthouse. Both individuals bound by this relationship must be present to receive their marriage license. Plan a date and time that you can both commit to going to the nearest location where marriage licenses are authorized. ​ Make sure you present your "certificate of completion" to your County Clerk before attaining your marriage license this will secure the waiving of your 3-Day waiting period , and grant you your thirty percent (30%) discount on your marriage license. Once you have attained your Marriage License from your County Clerk you may schedule a Civil Marriage Ceremony to be performed the same day at the County Clerk by a Judge or Court Representative for a minimal fee of $30.00 (this fee may vary from State or County). Take a minute to gather any of the following information: The United States Driver's License, Passport, State Provided Identification Card, and Residence Card. ​ Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse

  • Licencia Matrimonial Florida | I AM Ministries | Curso y Solicitud $49.99

    Nuestros representantes, pueden ayudar en su proceso para obtener su Licencia de Matrimonio en el Estado de Florida Licencia de Matrimonio Simplificada! ¿Desea que hagamos el Proceso por Usted? Hemos simplificado el proceso para Solicitar su Licencia de Matrimonio por solo $49.99 por pareja . Tendrá acceso a la Certificación Prematrimonial y, con su autorización, un representante tramitará y enviará su Solicitud de Licencia de Matrimonio y la fecha de su Cita con el Secretario del Condado al finalizar el curso. Simplemente llega a la Secretaría del Tribunal a su cita con sus documentos requeridos y pase el procedimiento legal y debe recibir su Licencia de Matrimonio el mismo día . Regístrese para este paquete hoy! ​ Esto es lo que nuestro "Servicio de Certificación y Solicitud de Licencia Matrimonial" incluye: Certificado de Curso Prematrimonial. Presentar la Solicitud de Licencia Matrimonial ante la oficina del Condado. Obtener la Cita con el Secretario de Tribunal de Condado. La pareja deberá presentarse ante la Secretaría del Tribunal del Condado en la fecha de la cita otorgada. Tendrá la opción de programar una boda civil el mismo día con el Secretario del Tribunal después de obtener su licencia de matrimonio . (Varía de condado a condado) Presione para Comenzar el proceso de Obtener Su Licencia De Matrimonio $49.99

  • Premarital Course with Instructor $39.99 | I AM Ministries | Approved Statewide

    Easy Steps to register for your Virtual Instructor? If you desire a virtual instructor due to time restrictions , limited travels , or ailments your virtual instructor will help guide you through the certification and marriage license process. You are welcome to register for your own virtual instructor who would meet with you and your party in a virtual classroom . Make arrangements today to speak with one of our representatives, we will be ready to assist you. Step 1: Call and schedule for a Virtual Classroom. Call to speak to one of our licensed professionals to arrange and schedule your personal virtual course. Schedules are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis with your own personal instructor. You may also dial 786-529-4266 from your phone. Step 2: Register and follow the instructions provided. The cost for your Virtual Premarital Course Instructor is $3 9.99 per user . You and your partner will have full access to your own personal instructor who will guide you through your certification process. A customer service representative will also be available to answer all of your questions until the completion of your course. Attain the proper certification for your marriage license today. Call to Schedule Click to Register for Course How long do I have access to the course? All of our courses begin the moment you register and pay for the classes. You and your future spouse will each have full access after you register and pay for the course in order to track your progress for a period of 30 days or until the completion of the course . For our Virtual Course students, it is important to schedule your appointment with your Virtual Instructor as soon as possible. Virtual Instructor Courses are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Do I have to take this Premarital Course with my future spouse? ​​ Residents: are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Residents: are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Residents of the United States: Yes , non-residents of the United States are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Valid & Invalid Payment Options? ​ ​​ We currently offer all students , couples , and families the opportunity to pay through Paypal , Credit , or Debit Card . Be sure to view these options on our checkout page if enrolling in one of our courses. In order to receive our products and/or services, you must be sure to use a valid payment method (credit/debit card) owned or corresponding to one of the enrolling parties. If you are accessing our educational platform using a " third parties " payment method (credit/debit card) and you can not validate that it is your payment account - your account will be immediately deactivated until you can provide le gal ownership of the card. So, please be sure to have a legal and valid payment method available to enroll in one of our courses. ​ How long is this Premarital course? By law, it is required that all licensed course providers offer a minimum of a 4-12 hour course that will enrich the lives of couples seeking to marry within their State. Is there an expiration date on my "certificate of completi on"? Yes, your certificate is valid for one (1) year from the day of completion . It is important that you download your certificate to your PC or device for safeguarding and personal use. If you do not attain your marriage license prior to the expiration date printed on your certificate it is possible that the County Clerk of Courts may deny or reject your efforts. Is this course accepted in My County? Yes, as long as you plan to marry in your State our course is accepted in all counties in the United States . We are the only premarital course provider that offers this Christian-based curriculum in English and in Spanish. Do I have to provide Identification to take this course? Yes, In order to issue couples an original "certificate of completion" each couple must be able to provide us with the proper legal identification which will be forwarded to the County Clerk of Courts where their marriage license will be processed. The following are the legal forms of identification : U.S.A. State Drivers License, State Provided Identification Card, Passport, or Residence Card. When and how do I attain my certificate? At the completion of the course, you and your spouse will be able to have access to download and print a PDF copy of your "certificate of completion" for your personal use only . A Certified Copy will then be emailed to you within 24 hours of your completion date for immediate use. It is important to note, certain counties do not accept printed copies of your certificate . Therefore, it will require that we mail you your original certificate to present to your County Clerk of Courts. Make sure that you schedule yourselves appropriately for this delay. It will take us approximately 2-3 business days to forward you your original certificate via USPS. How many days should I begin working on getting my marriage license? It is our advice that you begin your process as soon as possible . Do not wait until the last minute to begin the legal process of attaining your marriage license. All too often, we have experienced couples procrastinating on the legal paperwork while preparing for their wedding. Remember, your marriage is not legal until your wedding officiant and witnesses properly sign your original marriage license. ​ How to get Married in your State? As long as you meet your State criteria you should be granted a marriage license in the county that you apply for. You do not need to live in the county to receive a marriage license there. Remember that marriage licenses are only valid for 60 days . Click here to learn more about attaining your Marriage License . How to change your Legal Name in your State ? Your State allows people to change their names on their marriage license application forms . While the forms differ by locality, you can generally just fill in your new name and list your former name on the form. A county clerk will issue a license after the normal marriage license process is completed. It is also required that you make the necessary plans to visit your local Social Security Administration , Bank , DMV , and other agencies. Be sure to provide these legal forms of identification to all governing agencies in which you plan on changing your legal name: Marriage certificate, driver's license, state-issued non-driver's ID card, or U.S. passport. Be also prepared to show proof of citizenship such as your U.S. birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship. ​ ​ ​ Course Disclaimer This premarital course education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples . If this educational resource does not meet your premarital or marital needs you are still welcome to access the course material and/or be referred to a qualified provider who could better assist your needs. ​ Is this Course Refundable? Sorry, but we at the Premarital Course Center, offer all of our couples an opportunity to choose a Premarital Course Provider suitable to each couple's needs. Since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies We Do Not issue refunds . Is this Course Protected by Copyright Laws? Yes , it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professionals, providers, and/or affiliates. Click to Register for Course Virtual Instructor - For Couples

  • Premarital Course Disclaimer | I AM Ministries | Courses $19.99

    Click to Register for Course Course Disclaimer This premarital course education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples . If this educational resource does not meet your premarital or marital needs you are still welcome to access the course material and/or be referred to a qualified provider who could better assist your needs. ​​ Is this Course Covered in my State? This premarital co u rse certification is valid and required before attaining your marriage license in the following states: Florida, Tex as, Tennessee, Utah, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Louisiana, and Wisconsin . You may also take this course for personal use for any other State requirements - nationwide. Is this Course Refundable? Sorry, but since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies We Do Not issue refunds. Is this Course Protected by Copyright Laws? Yes, it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professionals, providers, and/or affiliates. ​

  • Hillsborough County Florida | Premarital Course $19.99 | I AM Ministries

    Hillsborough County Premarital Course Online Preparing couples for a vibrant and lasting covenant with principles! For just $19.99 per user - you and your loved one will have instant access to your Premarital Course Certificate Available upon Completion of your Course online. Whether you have traveled the journey of married life for years, you are newlywed, or you are simply planning for the big day with the Clerk of Court, this Premarital cou rse promises you and your partner (4) hours of laughter, fun, reflection, and enrichment to equip you for a successful life together. Register for this course today and imprint your Certificate for legal use. Interactive & Easy to Complete This Hillsborough County Premarital Preparation course features timeless information that will enrich your marital relationship and safeguard you and your family from the pitfalls of divorce. From Communication, problem-solving, parenthood, finances, and sexuality this course has been designed to be a valuable resource for all couples. Covid Policies ​ Hillsborough County Marriage License Information Address: 800 E Twiggs St, Tampa, FL 33602 Phone: (813) 276-8100​​ Hillsborough County Website ​ Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse Hillsborough County Premarital Course Benefits The Florida Marriage License Cost may vary from County to County. By taking our Premarital Online Course you will receive a 30% Discount on your marriage license cost, avoid the (3) three-day Florida state wait requirement, and have the option to schedule a Civil Wedding the same day at your County Clerks Office. The cost of our online premarital course is $19.99 (per user). Call us at: 786-529-4266 or 954-591-8723

  • Marriage Licenses Florida | I AM Ministries | Premarital Course $19.99

    Our representatives are ready, and capable to assist you in helping you transmit and attain your Marriage License in the State of Florida. Call one of our representatives today! Marriage License Made Simple! ​ Do you want us to do the process for you? It is our mission to build healthy marriages and families therefore we have simplified the way couples apply for their Marriage License for just $49.99 per couple . You will have access to your premarital course material for certification , and with your authorization, a representative will process and submit your Marriage License Application and schedule an appointment with your County Clerk of Court at the completion of your premarital course certification. Simply arrive at your Clerk of Court for your appointment with your required documents and pass the legal vetting process and you should receive your Marriage License the same day . Sign up for this package deal today! Certificate of Premarital Course. File the Marriage License Application with the County office. Obtain an Appointment with the County Clerk of Court. It is mandatory that the couple appears before the Clerk o f the Court on the date granted by the County Clerk's office. Have the option to schedule a Civil Wedding on the same day with the Clerk of court after attaining your Marriage License. (Varies from County to County) Click this button to begin the Process of Premarital Certification and Processing of Application

  • Tennessee Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | I AM Ministries | USA

    Tennessee Premarital Course Online - Certification For Couples For just $19.99 per user, you will find all the information and premarital course materials you need to attain your certification and marriage license . If you enjoy reading and learning at your own pace we invite you to enjoy this rich course. You will have access to all the information for a total of 30 days from the moment you register. You may also download and print your certificate for legal use at the conclusion of your course. So take your time and register today! ​ Is our course 100% Approved Statewide? ​ Yes, by taking our Premarital Online Course you will save 30-60% on your marriage license cost, and couples will avoid the three-day state wait requirement which will acceler ate your wedding plans. All of our courses are available 24 hours - 7 days a week for all of our students, couples, and families. Who is eligible to take this course? Everyone who is 18 years or older is eligible to take this course. If you are taking this course for the purpose of obtaining your Marriage License it is expected that you meet all of our State's benchmark requirements in order for the county court to value your certification. Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse Marriage License Eligibility How long do I have access to the course? All of our courses begin the moment you register and pay for the classes. You and your future spouse will each have full access after you register and pay for the course in order to track your progress for a period of 30 days or until the completion of the course . For our Virtual Course students, it is important to schedule your appointment with your Virtual Instructor as soon as possible. Virtual Instructor Courses are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Do I have to take this Premarital Course with my future spouse? ​​ Residents: are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Residents: are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Residents of the United States: Yes , non-residents of the United States are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license if they are seeking course benefits. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Valid & Invalid Payment Options? ​ ​​ We currently offer all students , couples , and families the opportunity to pay through Paypal , Credit , or Debit Card . Be sure to view these options on our checkout page if enrolling in one of our courses. In order to receive our products and/or services, you must be sure to use a valid payment method (credit/debit card) owned or corresponding to one of the enrolling parties. If you are accessing our educational platform using a " third parties " payment method (credit/debit card) and you can not validate that it is your payment account - your account will be immediately deactivated until you can provide legal ownership of the card. So, please be sure to have a legal and valid payment method available to enroll in one of our courses. ​ How long is this Premarital course? By law, it is required that all licensed course providers offer an 4 -hour course that will enrich the lives of couples seeking to marry in the State of Tennessee. Is there an expiration date on my "Certificate of Completion"? Yes, your certificate is valid for one (1) year from the day of completion . It is important that you download your certificate to your PC or device for safeguarding and personal use. If you do not attain your marriage license prior to the expiration date printed on your certificate it is possible that the County Clerk of Courts may deny or reject your efforts. Is this course accepted in My County? Yes, as long as you plan to marry in the State of Tennessee our course is accepted in all counties in Tennessee . We are the only premarital course provider that offers this Christian-based curriculum in English and in Spanish in the State of Tennessee. Do I have to provide Identification to take this C ourse? Yes, In order to issue couples an original "certificate of completion" each couple must be able to provide us with the proper legal identification which will be forwarded to the County Clerk of Courts where their marriage license will be processed. The following are the legal forms of identification : U.S.A. State Drivers License, State Provided Identification Card, Passport, or Residence Card. When and how do I attain my Certificate? At the completion of the course, you and your spouse will be able to have access to download and print a PDF copy of your "certificate of completion" for legal use . A Certified Copy will then be emailed to you within 24 hours of your completion date for immediate use. It is important to note, certain counties do not accept printed copies of your certificate . Therefore, it will require that we mail you your original certificate to present to your County Clerk of Courts. Make sure that you schedule yourselves appropriately for this delay. It will take us approximately 3-5 business days to forward you your original certificate via USPS. How many days should I begin working on getting my Marriage License? It is our advice that you begin your process as soon as possible . Do not wait until the last minute to begin the legal process of attaining your marriage license. All too often, we have experienced couples procrastinating on the legal paperwork while preparing for their wedding. Remember, your marriage is not legal until your wedding officiant and witnesses properly sign your original marriage license. ​ How to get Married in the State of Tennessee? As long as you meet the Tennessee State criteria you should be granted a marriage license in the county that you apply for. You do not need to live in the county to receive a marriage license there. Remember that marriage licenses are only valid for 60 days . Click here to learn more about attaining your Marriage License in Tennessee . How to change your Legal Name in Tennessee? Tennessee allows people to change their names on their marriage license application forms . While the forms differ by locality, you can generally just fill in your new name and list your former name on the form. A county clerk will issue a license after the normal Tennessee marriage license process is completed. It is also required that you make the necessary plans to visit your local Social Security Administration , Bank , DMV , and other agencies. Be sure to provide these legal forms of identification to all governing agencies in which you plan on changing your legal name: Marriage certificate, driver's license, state-issued non-driver's ID card, or U.S. passport. Be also prepared to show proof of citizenship such as your U.S. birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship. ​ ​ ​ Course Disclaimer This premarital course education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples . If this educational resource does not meet your premarital or marital needs you are still welcome to access the course material and/or be referred to a qualified provider who could better assist your needs. ​ Is this Course Refundable? Sorry, but we at the Premarital Course Center, offer all of our couples an opportunity to choose a Premarital Course Provider suitable to each couple's needs. Since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies We Do Not issue refunds . Is this Course Protected by Copyright Laws? Yes , it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professionals, providers, and/or affiliates. ​ Click to Register Tennessee Statewide Approved County List Download and print immediately upon completion of our Course. Anderson County Bedford County Benton County Bledsoe County Blount County Bradley County Campbell County Cannon County Carroll County Carter County Cheatham County Chester County Claiborne County Clay County Cocke County Coffee County Crockett County Cumberland County Davidson County Decatur County DeKalb County Dickson County Dyer County Fayette County Fentress County Franklin County Gibson County Giles County Grainger County Greene County Grundy County Hamblen County Hamilton County Hancock County Hardeman County Hardin County Hawkins County Haywood County Henderson County Henry County Hickman County Houston County Humphreys County Jackson County Jefferson County JohnsonCounty Knox County Lake County Lauderdale County Lawrence County Lewis County Lincoln County Loudon County Macon County Madison County Marion County Marshall County Maury County McMinn County McNairy County Meigs County Monroe County Montgomery County Moore County Morgan County Obion County Overton County Perry County Pickett County Polk County Putnam County Rhea County Roane County Robertson County Rutherford County Scott County Sequatchie County Sevier County Shelby County Smith County Stewart County Sullivan County Sumner County Tipton County Trousdale County Unicoi County Union County Van Buren County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Weakley County White County Williamson County Wilson County

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