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- Reflections: Leaves on Autumn Rain
All the works of man, and that which his heart labors for will all come to an end. When he grows old and weary, and his visions only become distant dreams he will realize that little by little everything is fading away like the leaves on autumn’s rain. The only tangible tools and virtue you and I eternally possess are worship and love. Make every effort to exercise a life of worship and love for God while expressing your appreciation for others. These last forever! #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Offer What You Have
Preachers and teachers attempt your best to always preserve the message of the Gospel with a clean heart. Many messages being uttered from various platforms today are rooted and tainted with unforgiveness, offense, and painful dissensions without the speaker ever realizing it. This occurs because the painful scars of each man’s cross have not been thoroughly addressed or healed, thus binding his or her listeners. Come humbly, come gracefully, but come to the altar of God, and be healed from your past. You and I can not offer others what we ourselves do not possess. Remember, it is Christ you and I represent and his message has the power to set us all free. There is power in His Name. #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Promise
There is a promise that God would not only comfort us during difficult times, but that he would use what the enemy of our souls means for harm, and turn it around for something good. I continue to feel this immense painful loss when thinking about the tragedies of this past weekend. I don’t know if I am mourning because of the scenario in which this tragedy occurred, or I am mourning thinking about what the families must be going through. It could also be the vast exposure I’ve had over the years to mass tragedies. But, I believe we can safely say it is painstakingly sad. I’ve thought was it his passion, his excellence, or his determination that captivated me. Or simply perhaps his own humanity, overcoming the many obstacles of life - in itself. Perhaps it’s the way he resided in my living room even after I’ve preached my heart out the past decades, or it’s the achievements of pushing and reaching the summit of life. Whatever the case or cause, I trust that in God’s immense sovereignty he is looking down at this world with great compassion. Hoping in some way to trigger once again our humanity, and wake us up to our inevitable destiny. With all the crazy and twisted news we hear on every platform nowadays, I still believe that this tragedy will cause even the most calloused hearts to turn into flesh. As we speak, nothing is outside the reach of God, and these are the times that he is predisposed to embrace and show us his mercies and his goodness. Hold tight your loved ones, your friends, your colleagues, your church members, and even the Cross. Kobe did, why can’t you and I! Come to the cross of Christ today and be comforted by God. Photo of Kobe courtesy of an unknown photographer. #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Morality
Morality is the beauty of God in peace with man. When we allow for the moral DNA of God’s Word to be the building blocks and pillars of our society, we can always have hope that those things that unite us are greater than those things that divide us. Let morality, decency, and respect be the needles that weave the fabric of our society again. In God we Trust! #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Sounds of My Writings: Under A Tree
Every day a man faithfully woke up to gather his belongings to pray under a tree. He enjoyed the long walks, smiled as he ventured on the road, and at times struggled - wrestling with his bed bugs. He did this for many years with the hope of someday quietly encountering that peaceful moment when silence would speak. Then one day after convening at his usual spot someone appeared to him, and with a still small voice called out his name. The man startled surprisingly asked, “how do you know me?”, and the humble Rabbi replied “I’ve been here waiting for you underneath this tree. Remember this is how it all started?” Don’t forget communion with God is life. Keep praying he promises to meet with you even under a tree! John 1:48-49 48 “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” 49Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” #soundsofmywritings #oneminutewithgod #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez
"Never expect to be pastored like a sheep, if you are acting like a goat. Wrong approach." #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Riptides of Life
Have you ever felt yourself drifting deeper and deeper into the riptides of hopelessness and despair? Have you recently struggled with staying afloat amidst the waves of doubt? More and more people from all denominations and walks of life are beginning to sense the immense of something big happening, and fear is beginning to paralysis the purpose of many. I encourage you that in these times you and I hold dear the Word of God close to our hearts. Let no strange news, message, or doctrine drag you into the riptides of life. Don’t allow for the social media outlets to become your bibles and your altars. Congregate, fellowship, and anchor yourself in the Word of God. For Christ is our fortress and a strong tower, and the righteous run into him, and they are saved. Stay away from the riptides of life, and if you find yourself already there - swim back to God’s truth. He will calm the seas! #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Christ in You
You and I have a spiritual DNA for which we were purposed and designed for. No one can do you, but you. Many young believers pursue noble causes in ministry which leads to ongoing frustrations because they are trying to become a carbon copy of their mentors or pastors without the process. Even though it is a biblical principle to model the faith of the patriarchs, you and I can not abandon the personal uniqueness of our spiritual gifting, and the process it takes to refine them. For at the end, the question is not whether we look like pastors - but rather do we look like Christ? Christ in you. #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: You Are More
You are more than the circumstances that surround you. You are more than the bills you pay. You are more than the mundane routines that encircle your life’s practices. You and I are spiritual beings filled with the breath of God and are eternally destined. May we come to the understanding today, that beyond the pursuit of all of our earthly endeavors and riches there is a bigger prize beyond the clouds for which the skies above echos their calls. Leave a great legacy, impact lives and souls, and don’t minimize your God-given gifts and life. You are more. #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Anchored and Rooted
As you expand in your knowledge and research. As you search for the mysterious and answers to life, don’t be tossed by the many rivers you will find. Some of them can lead you down a dangerous path and yet others to a dead end. But, there is a way that leads to life, and few find it. Jesus taught us that he is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through him. If you desire to make the best of your gifting, your passions, and time just lives the way Jesus lived. Don’t follow the crowds, don’t be tossed by every heresy, and every message. Anchor your heart, read God’s Word and be rooted in the faith that he who has begun a good work in you will finish it until his appearing. Anchor down. #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: Fervor
This is not the time to grow tired nor shrink back. Pursue God with all of thine heart, soul, and strength and you will find him! Have you ever had the radical conviction to recklessly pursue something regardless of the cost? Well, this is the type of radical love God desires that you seek him with! Like a groom awaiting his bride, to then finally join with her and journey together, so God is in covenant with you. Give him your best today, tomorrow is not promised! Fervent Love. #andyfernandez #iamministries
- Reflections: The Counselor
Do you know that you do not need to walk through life’s journey alone? God is forever present in the midst of every circumstance and trial. Many spend thousands of dollars seeking therapy, self-empowerment, and copy-cat improvements. But, God desires to be your personal partner, co-laborer, and friend. Who is better to give counsel and advice than the God who knows the end - from the beginning. He has designed you for communion with him. Invite the Holy Spirit today to lead you through life’s most difficult mountains and meet you at your lowest valleys. He is a wonderful counselor and friend! #andyfernandez #iamministries