Boda civil el mismo día
How to schedule a Civil Wedding with your County Clerk of Courts?
Once you have successfully visited your County Clerk of Courts and attained your Marriage License you may now schedule a Civil Marriage Ceremony to be performed at the County Clerk by a Judge or Court Representative for a minimal fee of $30.00. This fee must be paid at your County Clerk's Office on the day of your ceremony (this fee may vary from State or County).
Need assistance with the process of scheduling your Civil Wedding?
For simply $19.99 you may hire one of our representatives to transmit your request and schedule a Civil Wedding with your County Clerk of Courts Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM in your State and County of preference. Remember, it is important that you have already attained your Marriage License in order for our representatives to successfully schedule your request.
Do you need Witnesses?
A certified court representative, notary public, judge, or clergy are the only authorized persons allowed to legally sign your marriage license.
If you are requesting a civil wedding with your County Clerk of Courts you do not need to bring witnesses to your ceremony, the court will serve as witnesses of your union. The courts do afford couples the option to bring two (2) witnesses to the ceremony to personalize their union if couples so desire (it is optional, not mandatory).
If you plan on hiring a Notary Public to serve as the authorized officiant of your civil wedding, be sure that your notary public is actively registered in your State before hiring him/her. In some cases, the notary may provide witnesses for couples if they do not have one. It is always encouraged to bring two (2) witnesses to your civil wedding.
If you plan on hiring a Clergy to perform your wedding services it is highly recommended that you bring two (2) witnesses to your wedding ceremony. In some cases, if you belong to a local congregation or family of faith you may request members of the congregation to witness the union.
Do you need to speak with one of our Representatives?
If you need to speak with one of our representatives feel free to call 786-529-4266 or 954-591-8723 for more information.