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Atención al Cliente - Se habla español
Todos nuestros cursos están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana en línea para todos nuestros estudiantes, parejas y familias. Si necesita un representante de atención al cliente, nuestro horario de oficina es de 8:00 a. m. a 6:00 p. m . los lunes. viernes
Contacto para atención al cliente: 786-529-4266 o 954-591-8723
Do I have to take this Premarital Course with my future spouse?Florida Residents:Yes, Florida Residents are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete. Non-Florida Residents: who reside in a different state are not required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license. But, if one of the marrying parties is a Florida Resident then the party who resides in the State of Florida is required to take a Single-User Certification Course to attain course benefits with their County Clerk. Click the link to Learn More about Single-User Certification. Non-Residents of the United States: Yes, non-residents of the United States are required to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete.
What are the Course Benefits?By taking and completing our Premarital Online Course you will: - Have access to download and print your certification at the completion of course. - Save 30 to 60% on the cost of your marriage license. - Couples will void the three-day (3) waiting period required by Florida State Statue. - Receive your Marriage License the same-day. - Be able to participate in a Court Civil Wedding Ceremony the same-day.
Who is eligible to take this course?Everyone who is 18 years or older is eligible to take this course. If you are taking this course for the purpose of obtaining your Marriage License it is expected that you meet all of our State's benchmark requirements in order for the county court to value your certification.
Can the County Court marry me the same-day in a Civil Wedding?Once you have attained your Marriage License from your County Clerk you may schedule a Civil Marriage Ceremony to be performed the same day at the County Clerk by a Judge or Court Representative for a minimal fee of $30.00 (this fee may vary from State or County). Witnesses? A certified officiant, notary public, judge, or clergy is required to sign your marriage license in the presence of at least two witnesses for your marriage to be official. In most cases, the court may provide and/or serve as one (1) witness, so be sure to take a witness who is 21 years of age. Legal Documents Needed In order to attain your Marriage License, it is important to gather the following legal documents in order to expedite your license without delay. Be sure to check that all of your documents are active and not expired! - Your Premarital Course Certificate - Two (2) forms of Photo ID's (passport, driver's license, state identification, etc..) - Divorce Papers - Dissolution of Marriages (in some cases some counties will only require the date of the previous divorce(s)
What is the Cost of my Premarital Course?The cost of your Premarital Course can range from $19.99 to $39.99 per person. Once registration is complete both parties will have full access to all the course material until the completion of the course. A customer service representative will also be available to answer all of your questions to help you through every step. This covers 30 days of access to your personal profile, course material, certification, and more.
Can International couples take this Premarital Course?Yes, we encourage all of our international students or couples to take and complete this Premarital Preparation Course before attaining their marriage license in the United States or in their country of origin. Separate Login information will be provided to each party once the registration is complete if requested or required.
Does your organization service the LGBTQ community?This Premarital Course Education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples. If your relationship doesn't fit this description our representatives will attempt to refer parties seeking individual assistance to qualified professionals that can better assist their premarital needs.
How long is the Premarital Course?By law, it is required that all licensed course providers offer a 4-hour course that will enrich the lives of couples seeking to marry in the State of Florida. For all other states course study may vary from 4-12 hours.
How long do I have access to the Course?All of our courses begin the moment you register and pay for the classes. You and your future spouse will each have full access after you register and pay for the course in order to track your progress for a period of 30 days or until the completion of the course. For our Virtual Course students, it is important to schedule your appointment with your Virtual Instructor as soon as possible. Virtual Instructor Courses are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
How can I pay for my Premarital Course?We currently offer students, couples, and families the opportunity to pay through Paypal, Credit, Debit Card, Stripe, Google Checkout, or Zelle. Be sure to view these options on our checkout page if enrolling in one of our courses. In order to receive our products and/or services, you must be sure to use a valid payment method (credit/debit card) owned or corresponding to one of the enrolling parties. If you are accessing our educational platform using a "third parties" payment method (credit/debit card) and you can not validate that it is your payment account - your account will be immediately deactivated until you can provide legal ownership of the card. So, please be sure to have a legal and valid payment method available to enroll in one of our courses. Can can pay for your course by simply clicking on the link provided: Pay Course Now! Other Payment Troubleshooting Options: If you are experiencing payment issues and you prefer using your personal banking account's Zelle Electronic Payment method you can do so by simply forwarding your payment to the following email: Please be sure to forward the correct amount for your desired course.
Why has my Account been Deactivated?If your account has been de-activated there is probably a valid reason why. Please review the following list of reasons why your account may have been de-activated and notice if any of these reasons apply to you. If not please contact one of our ministry representatives and they will do their best to assist you. - You have not completed registration by paying for the course. - You have completed your course, and have received your certifications. - You have exceeded the 30 day period to complete your course. - You have used an invalid or illegal payment method
Is there an expiration date on my "Course Certificate"?"Yes, your certificate is valid for one (1) year from the day of completion. It is important that you download your certificate to your PC or device for safeguarding and personal use. If you do not attain your marriage license prior to the expiration date printed on your certificate it is possible that the County Clerk of Courts may deny or reject your efforts.
Is this premarital course accepted in my County?Yes, as long as you plan to marry in the United States our course is accepted at all County Clerk of Courts. We are the only premarital course provider who offers this curriculum in English and in Spanish in the United States and Internationally.
Do I have to provide identification to take this Premarital Course?Yes, In order to issue couples an original "certificate of completion" each couple must be able to provide us with the proper legal identification which will be forwarded to the County Clerk of Courts where their marriage license will be processed. The following are the legal forms of identification: U.S.A. State Drivers License, State Provided Identification Card, Passport, or Residence Card.
When and how do I attain my certificate?At the completion of the course, you and your spouse will be able to have access to download and print a PDF copy of your "certificate of completion" for your personal use only. A Certified Copy will then be emailed to you within 24 hours of your completion date for immediate use. It is important to note, certain counties do not accept printed copies of your certificate. Therefore, it will require that we mail you your original certificate to present to your County Clerk of Courts. Make sure that you schedule yourselves appropriately for this delay. It will take us approximately 2-3 business days to forward you your original certificate via USPS.
How many days should I work at getting my Marriage License?It is our advice that you begin your process as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last minute to begin the legal process of attaining your marriage license. All too often, we have experienced couples procrastinating on the legal paperwork while preparing for their wedding. Remember, your marriage is not legal until your wedding officiant and witnesses properly sign your original marriage license.
How many days is my Marriage License good for?As long as you meet the State criteria you should be granted a marriage license in the county that you apply for. You do not need to live in the county to receive a marriage license there. Remember that marriage licenses are only valid for 90 days.
How to change your Legal Name?Florida allows people to change their names on their marriage license application form. While the forms differ by locality, you can generally just fill in your new name and list your former name on the form. A county clerk will issue a license after the normal Florida marriage license process is completed. It is also required that you make the necessary plans to visit your local Social Security Administration, Bank, DMV, and other agencies. Be sure to provide these legal forms of identifications to all governing agencies in which you plan on changing your legal name: Marriage certificate, driver's license, state-issued non-driver's ID card, or U.S. passport. Be also prepared to show proof of citizenship such as your U.S. birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship.
Is this course refundable?Sorry, but we at the Premarital Course Center, offer all of our couples an opportunity to choose a Premarital Course Provider suitable to each couples' needs. Since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies we Do Not issue refunds.
Is this Course protected by the Copyright Laws?Yes, it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professional, providers, and his or her affiliates.
Contact Us - Customer SupportPremarital Course Center PO Box 971112 Boca Raton, Florida 33497-1112 Southeast: 786 / 529 / 4266 Northeast: 954 / 591 / 8723 Midwest: 713 / 396 / 3026 Other: 305 / 343 / 8088 Premarital Course Center - Texas 3139 W Holcombe Blvd Ste 8124 Houston, TX 77025 Email: Email:
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